I Can’t Sing or Play Piano

Da Vinci painted one Mona Lisa.  Beethoven composed one Fifth Symphony.  And God made one version of you!  God custom-designed you for a one-of-a-kind assignment – “to each according to each one’s unique ability” (Matthew 25:15).

“The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others” (1 Corinthians 12:7).  Did the apostle Paul say, “The Spirit has given some of us…”?  Or a few of us…?”  No!  “The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.”

You don’t have to do everything!  You’re not God’s solution to society, you are a solution in society.  Don’t worry about the skills you don’t have.  Don’t covet the strength others do have.  Just extract your uniqueness – to God’s glory! (Max Lucado)

A friend posted on Facebook these encouraging words written by Max Lucado.  I feel they are so worthy of sharing as I find myself at times waring against the feelings of inadequacy as I watch others, with polished skill, changing the world for good.

I can’t sing or play piano which is all I ever really wanted to do.  Because I’m not gifted in either of those areas, I sadly convinced myself that God surely forgot the dose of talent when He created me .  Since I believed I didn’t have any talent, I just needed something to keep my hands busy, so I decided to purchase a sewing machine.  Little did I know that God had a “custom-designed, one-of-a-kind assignment” for me.

Up until this point in my life, I had never had any training in sewing but I have always enjoyed textiles.  I love color and texture.  Beautiful fabrics have tantalized my eyes since I was very young.  With my love for fabric and a new sewing machine, I needed to find a beginner project.  My good friend Sherri, who is an accomplished quilter, encouraged me by teaching me to sew rag quilts.  Once the rag quilt was mastered, we decided to make pillowcases for foster children.  I discovered I can occasionally sew a straight seam!  I found that by not focusing on my inability to sing and play piano, that God really did gift me with a very simple ability to connect beautiful fabrics, by sewing straight seams, into something unique for vulnerable children – His children.

In October of last year, I made contact with a person involved with foster children and offered our service of sewing pillowcases.  He gladly accepted. This was the beginning of “Sweet Dreams for Children” (www.sweetdreamsforchildren.com).  The number of pillowcases needed seemed overwhelming.  We weren’t sure if we could complete the requested amount but we trusted God for the results.  The pillowcases were needed in December for a Christmas party where they would be gifted to foster children of all ages.  Sherri, along with her mother, Jewel and I spent our days and nights buying fabric, matching fabric, cutting fabric, ironing fabric, sewing fabric and dreaming about pillowcases.  Just before Christmas, we had completed seventy-five pillowcases and had them all sorted, labeled, and delivered for the upcoming party.  Although we were exhausted and thought we would never care to sew another pillowcase, six months passed since we made that first delivery and we have jumped in with both feet yet again!

It is our belief the Lord has something bigger in mind and all that we have to do is offer our time, treasure, and talent of simply sewing straight lines, leaving the rest up to Him to use us as He desires. “The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.”  Today, choose to “extract your uniqueness – to God’s glory!”

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