Contact Me

You can reach me by email at

Or on Facebook as Sandra Oliver Byrd.
I’d love to hear from you!


4 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Surprise!! We think of you all often and sorry we have lost contact. I really enjoyed reading your stories. You have always been a special person. Just wanted to say “hi”. Take care. Darleen


  2. Sandy, I missed your precious smiling face this morning at LAMBS. As we lifted you up in prayer, I pictured you walking toward a mountain; a mound of circumstances, including disease and the unknown, raised before you. However, you were not alone. Because nothing is too hard for Him, Our Beloved Savior, Jesus, held your hand every step of the way as you traversed the heap and walked through a dark valley. His rod and His staff comforted you while He annointed your head with oil. He shared his love for you that is higher, longer, deeper, and wider than you can ever imagine. You now rest in His Divine Presence as His peace surrounds you and calls you to complete dependence on Him. We have confidence, with thankful hearts, that Jehovah Rapha will cause the surgery to go smoothly, with no complications, as He guides the surgeons’ hands. His hands of healing and protection cover you. Praise Jesus that He defeated sin, disease, and death at Calvary!!! Much Love to You, Janice


  3. Sandy,
    Thank you for you wonderful transparency. Your approach is refreshing. Thank you also for the prayer for peace and reassurance of His promised presence. And then, how wonderful it was to have Him deliver what you had requested! May God continue to show you His presence and His supernatural comfort as you go through another unknown chapter in your life. BO


  4. Thanks Sandy! I had no idea what ditch robbing is! Love your stories about your experiences with your Mom or Dad!


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